Course List

This page lists all the courses conducted by CTIS & SFXS.
For the exact schedule of each class, please login to our Student Portal or check our timetable page.
Certificate in Theology Programme:
CE001 - Introduction to the Bible
CE005 - Foundations in Moral Theology
CE006 - The Second Vatican Council
Diploma in Theology Programme:
DP003 - Introduction to Christian Spirituality
DP005 - Introduction to the Liturgy
Religious Studies (Method, Religions & Languages):
RS100.1 - Theological References
RS202 - Church Latin I and II (for seminarians only)
RS303 - Islam (for seminarians only)
RS305 - Hinduism (for seminarians only)
RS307 - Buddhism (for seminarians only)
RS309 - Taoism (for seminarians only)
PH110 - Introduction to Philosophy
PH112 - Philosophical Anthropology
PH115 - History of Philosophy: Ancient Period
PH116 - History Of Philosophy: Medieval Period
PH215 - History Of Philosophy: Modern Period
PH216 - History Of Philosophy: Contemporary Period
Scripture Studies:
SS120 - Introduction to the Bible
SS121 - Introduction to Old Testament
SS127 - The Book of Deuteronomy
SS130 - The Mystery of Salvation
SS131 - Introduction to New Testament
SS134 - The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles
SS231 - Johannine I: Gospel and Letters
SS331 - Johannine II: Revelation
SS333 - Catholic Epistles and Hebrews
TH146 - Grace and Justification
TH151 - Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation
TH154 - Liturgy: Sources and Methods
TH157 - Liturgy and Popular Piety
TH251 - Sacraments: Eucharist and Reconciliation
TH254 - History and Theology of Mass
TH259 - Sacraments: Marriage
TH351 - Sacraments: Holy Orders
TH358 - Sacraments: Rite of Anointing & Funerals
Church History
CH172 - Modern and Contemporary Period
CH179 - Second Vatican Council
CH260 - Patristic History
CH274 - The Reformation & Counter Reformation Period
Moral Theology
MT180 - Fundamental Moral Theology
Pastoral Arts
PA191 - Introduction to Christian Spirituality
PA192 - Canon Law I: General Norms
PA193 - Praying the Psalms
PA194 - The Divine Office
PA195 - Personal Growth & Relationship
PA198 - On Priestly Formation
PA291 - Psychology & Spirituality
PA292 - Canon Law II: Marriage
PA296 - Catechetics
PA299 - Intro to Sociology
PA391 - Pastoral Counselling
PA392 - Ministerial Spirituality
PA395 - Discernment & Spiritual Direction
PA397 - Homiletics
PA398 - Practical Liturgy