Fr. David Garcia
Class Venue:
Not Confirmed
MT180 or equiv.
16 classes
Social Ethics
Semester 2, 2021
Wednesday Mornings from 9:15am to 11:15am
Class Dates: Jul 21, 28. Aug 04, 11, 18, 25, Sep 01, 08, 15, 22, Oct 06, 13, 20 27, Nov 03, 10, 2021
Examination: Not Confirmed (TBA)
The social teaching of the Church - which some call “The best kept secret of the Church.” - is rich and often overlooked. The world is changing and Christians are, willingly or unwillingly, protagonists in this change. Can they make a difference? How? The Church has given an answer to the above questions. How the human person as the centre of social life is to be understood; the meaning of political activity; how justice is implemented; which economic policies foster human dignity and which ones harm it; and how peace should be promoted and human societies be organised so that basic human rights are respected and fostered, these are just a few of the topics the teaching of the Church has addressed in the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ and safeguarded in the tradition of the Church. This course will help students to know and understand the rich social doctrine of the Church and enable them to address today’s world in harmony with the plan of God to make the world one family.