Previous Announcements - 2014
CTIS Library Revised Hours
The CTIS library is open to the public.
Please visit us at the Catholic Centre, 55 Waterloo Street, level 4.
The CTIS Library is open from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm on weekdays, and from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturdays.
Library is closed on all Sundays and public holidays.
CTIS Centre for Theological Study of Faith & Culture
The CTIS Centre for Theological Study of Faith and Culture (CF&C) has been established, as announced in the February 28 Chancery Notice. This body comprises experts, academics, and current theological students and it is geared to research around emerging issues of our time.
CTIS Academic Year 2015
Semester 1 of 2015 will commence on January 27 and will end on June 9.
Semester 2 of 2015 will commence on August 3 and will end on November 27.
The CTIS Prospectus 2015 is available for download here.

Registration for Semester 1, 2015 is closed
Applications for enrollment received after December 30, 2014 shall be held for semester 2, 2015. Successfully enrolled students who have been informed by the CTIS Office should register for semester 1 classes by contacting the Student Manager janiceng@ctis.sg
All students are encouraged to participate in the customary Inauguration Mass for the Academic Year, held on January 26, 7:00pm at 55 Waterloo Street. Matriculation briefing for newly enrolled students will take place afterward.
CTIS Newsletter 1
CTIS publishes a quarterly Newsletter highlighting interesting stories from our academic community and other information concerning the Institute. Please head over to our website and click on the Newsletter button to get a copy. Happy reading!